As of January 1, 2016, Con Edison’s Energy Efficiency programs have entered a new operating cycle called the Energy Efficiency Transition Implementation Plan (ETIP) which focuses on updated strategies and initiatives for achieving energy reduction. The former EEPS programs; Residential Program, Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (MFEEP), Small Business Direct Install Program (SBDI) and the Commercial and Industrial Program (C&I) will continue to operate under updated rules and guidelines.
Residential Program
- The eligibility criteria for the Residential Program remains the same; offerings are to customers in residential buildings with 1 to 4 units
- The program has added new measures and appliances to the Appliance Rebate Program
- Customer eligibility has been expanded to include all residential buildings with more than 5 units (no longer capped at 75 units)
- The program will continue to give incentives for gas and electric direct-install and prescriptive measures. Additionally, the program will offer incentives for custom measures
- The program will no longer be offering free Common Area energy surveys to all building customers.
- Qualifying low-income customers will be offered additional benefits to participate, in the form of no- cost measures for building common areas.
- Eligibility has been updated to include service class 2, 9 and 51 customers who pay into the SBC with an average peak demand of up to 300kW (no longer capped at an average peak demand of 100kW)
- The program will continue to offer prescriptive electric measures in lighting and refrigeration; with an all LED offering for various lighting applications
- Program eligibility has been redefined to exclude Mulitfamily buildings and lighting projects for commercial buildings with an average peak demand of ≤ 300kW.
- The program will continue to offer incentives for both gas and electric prescriptive measures as well as custom measures
Multifamily buildings with greater than 75 units were formerly eligible under the C&I program. SBDI projects with an average peak demand in the 100-300kW range were formerly eligible under the C&I program. As of January 1st 2016, these former C&I projects that were not officially sold to a customer (per a signed agreement with a customer to proceed with a work scope), will be re-directed to qualify for incentives only in the Multifamily and SBDI Programs respectively, per the new eligibility rules.
Market Partners who have sold projects (i.e. have a signed work agreement with customers under the C&I Program as of Decemeber 31, 2015) will have a grace period to submit paperwork evident of that sold commitment. Such paperwork should be submitted to the C&I program on or before February 15, 2016 for
participation in the former C&I EEPS. Projects that do not meet this criteria (jobs signed on or after January 1, 2016), must be transitioned to MFEEP or SBDI to qualify for incentives. Market Partners are encouraged to do the following to begin the transition process:
For Multifamily projects, reach out to the current implementation contractor for MFEEP (The Association for Energy Affordability), to initiate “Participating Contractor” status in this program, and to work under the 2016 MFEEP guidelines.
Program Contact: Jeff Laino, Program Manager
Phone: 718-292-6733
For SBDI projects, reach out to the current implementation contractor for SBDI (Willdan Energy Solutions) by February 15, 2016 to learn of opportunities to coordinate on projects that are now incentivized in SBDI.
Program Contact: Rachel Seraspe, Program Manager
Phone: 646-604-4498
C&I Program Contact: Arthur W. Pearson, CEM, Manager, Business Development C&I Incentive
Phone: 646 312 8910 x119
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