Capitol Hill Updates
The Senate immigration bill and related amendments continue to be debated on the floor of the Senate, with progress being reported last night on one of the bill’s most closely watched issues. A bipartisan compromise to amend the bill’s border security provisions has reportedly been struck, with a formal announcement expected to take place today. This breakthrough could pave the way for additional Republican Senators to support the comprehensive legislation, potentially setting up a final vote on the bill before the July 4 Congressional recess. Our Coalition continues to urge Senators to support the key skilled worker provisions contained within the bill.
On the House side, Speaker Boehner reiterated his intention this week for the House to pass its own version of an immigration bill this summer, and for Congress to have a final compromise by year's end. The House’s work on this issue has followed two different paths. The House "Gang of Eight” is working to finalize a comprehensive immigration bill. The group announced a tentative agreement on such legislation earlier this month, and they are working to complete drafting legislative language. At the same time, the Judiciary Committee and Chairman Goodlatte continue to consider a series of smaller immigration bills leading up to the recess – including bills related to agriculture workers, employee verification, and border security. Later this summer, the committee is expected to take up other standalone immigration bills, including the SKILLS Visa Act, which includes provisions advancing each of our Coalition’s skilled worker reforms.
CBO Report Details Economic, Budget Benefits of Immigration Reform
On Tuesday, the independent Congressional Budget Office released its score of the Senate’s bipartisan immigration bill. The CBO report details the estimated, long-term economic impact (increase real GDP by 3.3% in 2023, and 5.4% in 2033) and budgetary benefits (reducing federal deficits by nearly $900B over a 20-year period) that would accompany comprehensive immigration reform.
Supplied by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
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