SUNY New Paltz International Programs will host approx. 225 young Latin American young professionals on our campus in July of this year. They will participate in business & English for business purposes seminars on campus, as well as participate in weekly field trips to New York City . The business seminar topics are:
• Marketing and value management
• Corporate financial management
• Strategic thinking
• Competitive project management
We are seeking NYC business professionals to come to our campus in New Paltz and do presentations on Thursday July 11, and Thursday July 18, in these topic areas. We will host 2 sessions on these dates, a mid morning session from 10-11:30, and a mid afternoon session from 2:00 – 3:30.
The presentations should be geared to participants in one of these tracks, and present a business problem that the participants could break into small groups and work on elements of, then present their findings to the group.
We can pay a modest honorarium, and pay for roundtrip bus or MTA fare (Trailways comes directly from Port Authority to New Paltz). If you are interested, and could present on either Thursday July 11, or July 18, 2013 to these groups, we would encourage you to apply.
To apply:
Send us an email at giving us a short description of your business, your topic area, and a current resume / CV. We will review your proposals and select the top 4-8 for each date.
Thank you for your interest and feel free to contact us at with your questions.
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