Tuesday, November 20, 2012

6th IWEC CONFERENCE, The Global Economy and Successful Entrepreneurship: 28-31 OCTOBER in BARCELONA

6 years, 19 countries, covering all of the 6 continents, 100 Women Entrepreneurs, representing multi-million-dollar businesses, recognised for their contribution to the Economy and Society as a whole.

The second and third and final day of the IWEC conference was held at Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona with another powerful day of presentations. 

Mr. Joan Ma Nin, la Caixa CEO and Patron sponsor of IWEC presented Finance in a Changing Environment whilst the President of Garrigues, Mr Antonio Garrigues Walker addressed the delegates on The Corporate World, its values and the role of women. A presentation by Margaret Schetler from the US State Department was shown. Ms Schetler is the State Department Economic and Entrepreneurship Advisor.

The official IWEC mentoring programme via the IWEC Advisory Council was launched to awardees and last awardees and South Africa is the pilot for the project. As an educational Foundation, the mission of IWEC is to develop a global business network for successful women in business, to help them gain and expand access to international markets.

Prepared for IWEC Advisory Council, this business development initiative will act as an international vehicle to meaningfully educate a future pool of awardees with global Chambers of Commerce as the supporting institutions. The programme will be adopted as the official IWEC Social Responsibility Initiative and co-ordinated by past awardees. The advisory council mentee programme will be known as Dreams beyond Borders where 1 mentee per country will be supported through a non-executive board of past awardees for the period of 1 year, with meaningful intervention by opening doors to strategic alliances and connections to fast track productivity, whilst guiding and opening doors of opportunity.

Anni Bodington, IWEC Project Co-ordinator and Cape Chamber Council Member says; “The growth of IWEC over 5 years has been exponential. The vision of the founders to create a network of second stage entrepreneurs has proven to be successful with representation from 6 continents, awardees using the platform to conclude contracts internationally, education at the highest level being offered to IWEC awardees by IESE Business School, who's Open Programs are ranked by Financial Times as first in the world and a Foundation being formed with a Board of Directors ensuring the longevity of IWEC. This has taken commitment, focus and an unwavering belief in the mission and vision of IWEC.” Anni is also a Past Awardee and the South African representation on Steering committee.

Michelle Korevaar, Founder of SPICE4LIFE, a premier South African Online magazine, is a 2012 IWEC Mentee and given the opportunity to be a Media Sponsor. Ms. Korevaar addressed the audience on the evolving marketplace and the relevance of embracing online and social media into marketing trends.

What can only be described as one of the most prestigious Gala finale’s in the History of IWEC, the Award ceremony was held at a at Casa Llotja de Mar – Passeig d’Isabel in Barcelona.

The 24 awardees, representing Manhattan, Cape Town, Barcelona, New Delhi, Sweden, Lima, Turkey, Philippines, Mongolia, Bangladesh and Nigeria, were lauded with their recognition in leadership in entrepreneurship. Past IWEC awardees hail from countries including The U.S.; Europe - Spain; Africa - Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa; Asia , India, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. 

Profound & Inspirational addresses were made by Ms. Joana Ortega -Vice President of the Catalan Government, Ms. Núria de Gispert - President of the Catalan Parliament, Mr. Xavier Trias - Mayor of the city of Barcelona, Mr. Miquel Valls – President of the BBC, Mr. Joan Ma. Nin – la Caixa CEO and Ms. Ruth A. Davis – Chairperson of IWEC.

The final day was an international trade day where Mr. Robert Jones – United States Regional Commercial Counselor addressed the topic “Techniques for Business Success in a Global Market”. Her Excellency Fikile Magubane - South African Ambassador, spoke on Business Success through meaningful engagement with African women, while Ambassador Ruth Davis summed up the qualities of leadership and the importance of these going forward in the world economy.

For any further assistance please contact michelle@spice4life.co.za 

Issued by: Spice4life.co.za
                  Michelle Korevaar
+27 21 557 9277

For more information re interviews with any of the founders or awardees, e-mail michelle@spice4life.co.za

Further queries: www.iwecawards.com

Find IWEC on: Facebook & Linked In      

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